Penyelidikan Kejadian Luar Biasa (KLB) Demam Chikungunya Di Kelurahan Talawaan Kab. Minahasa Utara Provinsi Sulawesiu Utara

  • Dismo Katiandagho, SST,, M.Kes. Epid Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan Poltekkes Manado
  • Mokoginta Jusran, SKM, M.Kes Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan Poltekkes Manado
  • Joy V.I. Sambungan, SKM, M.Sc Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan Poltekkes Manado
Keywords: Exceptional Circumstances, Chikungunya Fever


Chikungunya is a re-emerging disease or old disease then spread again. Chikungunya fever is a type of fever is caused by a virus family Togaviridae, genus alfavirus transmitted by the bite of the mosquito Aedes aegypti. This disease tends to cause extraordinary events in a region. To obtain the certainty of an Extraordinary suspected Chikungunya, deployment cases and ways of prevention / mitigation in Sub Talawaan, the team from the Provincial Health Office of North Sulawesi and North Minahasa district health office immediately investigate further. Investigating aim is to ensure that there is an Extraordinary and causes of the disease and find a picture of the epidemiology of the disease in the Village District Mapanget Talawaan North Minahasa regency. The results of investigation of an Extraordinary chikungunya fever in the Village of North Minahasa regency Talawaan the clinical outbreak of 211 cases of patients, the majority of patients who have a fever as much as 73, 93%, 72.04% joint pain, no bleeding 46.92%, clinical symptoms the least is the rash / rash 28.44% index case occurred on day-1, with an increase in cases occurred on day 14 and the top of the case on day-16 with the number of cases by 29. Attack Rate (AR) Extraordinary Events Talawan Chikungunya in the District of North Minahasa district is 50.90 / 1,000 population. Risk factors for the occurrence of an Extraordinary Chikungunya in the District of North Minahasa regency Talawaan the discovery of vector larvae causes chikungunya, chikungunya community knowledge is low, behavior and attitudes towards environmental sanitation is lacking, urban sprawl and high transport from the sub Talawaan to Manado or on the contrary, the sensitivity of surveillance officers and Health Center of North Minahasa District Health Office is still low, the lack of early warning systems-an Extraordinary and monitoring of the local area, the ineffectiveness of surveillance networks and the lack of coordination across sectors.
