The Use Of Mobile Health About Adolescent Reproductive Health On Knowledge And Attitudes At Madrasah Aliyah Al-Karimah Dokulamo Galela Barat

  • Gusti Ayu Tirtawati Jurusan Kebidanan Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar
  • Sesca Solang Jurusan Kebidanan Poltekkes Kemenkes Manado
  • Kusmiyati . Jurusan Keperawatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Manado
  • Asmawati Yusuf Jurusan Kebidanan Poltekkes Kemenkes Manado
Keywords: mobile health, knowledge, attitude


Background: Based on data obtained from the North Halmahera District Health Office in 2017, 170 adolescents under 19 years of age were pregnant (1.41%), 17 sexually transmitted infections (STIs) (0.14%), and 3 HIV (0.02%).  This is because adolescents' knowledge about reproductive health is still low, access to correct information about reproductive health is very limited both from schools and mass media and misleading information triggers irresponsible free sexual behavior.  Research Objective: this is to determine whether the utilization of technology with mobile health is a new effort in counseling in general. This study is to determine the effect of mobile health on adolescent reproductive health on knowledge and attitudes at Madrasah Aliyah Alkarimah Dokulamo Galela Barat, North Halmahera Regency, North Maluku Province. Methods: This study used the Quasi-Experimental Design method, with the type of one-group pretest-posttest design. The purposive sampling technique totaled 29 respondents.  The sample consists of 1 group of the same treatment before and after the action on the same subject.  The measuring instrument used was a questionnaire.  Data analysis using t-test. Research Results: in univariate analysis for student knowledge before intervention, 17 respondents (58.6%) were in the moderate category, 12 respondents (41.4%) were in the poor category and after intervention, 22 respondents (75.8%) were in the good category, 7 respondents (41.3%) showed an increase in knowledge.  Attitude before intervention was positive category 4 respondents (13.8%), negative category 25 respondents (86.2%) and after intervention positive attitude 27 respondents (93.1%), negative 2 respondents (6.9%) this shows there is a change in attitude.  Bivariate analysis results for knowledge using the Wilcoxon test with a p-value = 0.000 p < 0.05.  For attitudes using the Paired t-test, the p-value = 0.000 means the P value <α = 0.05, so it is said that the research hypothesis is accepted. Conclusion: mobile health can have a significant effect on knowledge and attitudes at Madrasa Aliyah Al Karimah Dokulamo Galela Barat.  Suggestions Teenagers should utilize science and technology appropriately and get used to using cell phones for more useful things, especially in finding positive information


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How to Cite
Tirtawati, G. A., Solang, S., ., K., & Yusuf, A. (2023). The Use Of Mobile Health About Adolescent Reproductive Health On Knowledge And Attitudes At Madrasah Aliyah Al-Karimah Dokulamo Galela Barat. PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL, 2, 96 - 108. Retrieved from