Toilet Use And Amount Of Escherichia Coli In The Molompar River District Southeast Minahasa
Water pollution problems can originate from community activities that produce waste. Poor latrine usage behaviour can trigger health problems, especially environmental-based diseases. This study aims to determine the use of toilets and the number of E. coli in the Malompar River District. Southeast Minahasa. The research uses a descriptive survey approach. The sample for latrine use was determined using purposive sampling, namely 30 houses located on the river bank in Molompar Dua Utara Village and samples for E. Coli examination were determined at three points, one point in the upstream area, one point in the residential area and one point in the downstream area. Collecting data for latrine use by direct observation in the field using observation sheets for latrine use variables and checking for E. Coli using the MPN method. Data analysis is descriptive and presented as narratives, tables and images.The research results show that 96.67% of houses use toilets that do not meet the requirements because the toilet waste flows into the river. The results of examining the number of E. Coli in river water show that the number of E. coli in upstream areas is lower than in residential areas and downstream areas and tends to increase along with the increase in residential homes that drain toilets directly into the river.
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