Inovasi Perawatan Penyakit Tidak Menular Pada Lansia Dalam Menjaga Keseimbangan Dan Kecepatan Berjalan
Non-infectious disease is not caused by transmission of vectors, viruses, or bacteria but is more caused by behavior and lifestyle. The risk that occurs in the elderly of this non-communicable disease is Osteoporosis is one of the problems that are strongly felt by the elderly. To maintain balance and walking speed, there are often problems because they cannot walk alone and must use a cane to maintain balance and speed. Health workers in several puskesmas in Manado City say that this non-communicable disease often occurs in the elderly, and one of the risks of non-communicable diseases is less consumption of foods that are high in calories and high in protein. The purpose of the study is to identify how the innovation of non-communicable disease (NCD) care in the elderly helps maintain balance and walking speed at the puskesmas working area of the Manado City Health Office. The research method used is qualitative and is presented in an exploratory and descriptive manner. The main informants are 4 elderly people; the triangulation informants are 4 PTM (Non-communicable Diseases) Program holders; and 1 person is Kasie Eradication of Non-communicable Diseases in the Manado City health area. Data collection was conducted through in-depth interviews, observations using checklists, and validation studies. The results showed that Inovasi's treatment of non-communicable diseases in the elderly has not been optimal for maintaining balance and walking speed.
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