Tingkat Kesukaan Produk Formula Berbasis Pangan Lokal Katak Sawah (Rana Cancrivora) Substitusi Tepung Kacang Hijau Untuk Ibu Hamil
Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem caused by a lack of nutritional intake for a long time, can occur before birth, due to a lack of nutritional intake during pregnancy. Local food has an important role in increasing food security. The nutritional content of rice field frogs is not widely understood by the public. The nutritional content of frog meat has a high protein content. This study aims to determine the most preferred rice field frog nugget formula by the preference test panelists. This type of research was an experiment, the panelists were given a special formula with 2 treatments, namely 200 grams of frog meat and 100 grams of mung bean flour. The results of the preference level test on taste, color, aroma and texture of rice field frog nuggets as a substitute for mung bean flour. There were many who chose to like the taste test with the highest percentage of 43.3%, in the color test many chose to like with the highest percentage of 53.3%, in the aroma test many chose really like with the highest percentage of 43.3%, and for the texture test many chose likes with the highest percentage of 36.7 %. Conclusion: There is a difference between the level of preference for the consumption of rice field frog nuggets substituted with green beans, variant P1: 200 g rice field frog meat with 100 g mung bean flour and variant P2: 200 g rice field frog meat with 200 g green bean flour or P = 0.02 < (0.05).
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