Intervensi Keperawatan Lateral Position dan Suction pada pasien Stroke Hemoragik dengan Masalah Gagal Nafas di ruang ICU RSUP Prof.Dr.R.D Kandou Manado
Stroke or known as Cerebrovascular Attack (CVA) is a disease that causes a large number of deaths in the world. Hemorrhagic strokes are strokes caused by rupture of a blood vessel in the brain, classified into intra cerebral hemorrhage or Intra Cerebral Hemorrhage (ICH) and subarachnoid hemorrhage or Sub Arachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH). Research Objectives: The purpose of this study is to apply Orem's nursing theory to hemorrhagic stroke patients with respiratory failure. Methods: The research design used is a qualitative descriptive method with a case study approach providing lateral position and suction on hemodynamic status in hemorrhagic stroke patients with a model theory approach dorothea orem in the ICU room of the General Hospital. Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Manado. Results: The results showed that hemorrhagic stroke patients had nursing problems, namely ineffective airway clearance, ineffective breathing patterns and impaired physical mobility. This respiratory problem can be overcome by giving lateral position and suction. This proves that the research conducted at Prof. Dr. R.D Kandou Hospital, Manado, found that it was very effectively applied to hemorrhagic stroke patients with respiratory problems, namely by giving lateral position and suction to improve hemodynamic status and oxygen saturation. Dorothea Orem through her nursing theory suggests that self-care is how an individual is able to fulfill his own needs in order to maintain his life, health and well-being both in health and illness. Conclusion: Lateral position and suction can improve the patient's hemodynamic status and oxygen saturation. Suggestions This research can be applied as a nursing intervention in hemorrhagic stroke patients, because it is beneficial to increase oxygen saturation and patient hemodynamics.
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