Analisis Pelaksanaan Program Kesehatan Peduli Remaja Di Puskesmas Wilayah Kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bitung

  • Ellen Pesak
  • Bongakaraeng .
  • Fredrika N. Losu
  • Fonnie Kuhu
  • Wahyuni .
Keywords: Adolence Care Program; Policy; Puskesmas


The Adolence Care Health Program is an activity that includes Adolence guidance and counseling in Bitung City,there has been a decrease in the coverage of the Adolence Care Health Program for two consecutive years (2018-2019). In 2019 puskesmas that have not carried out complete activities of The Adolence Care Health program, Papusungan Health Center and Puskesmas Pintu Kota general this research aimsto analyze the Implementation of Adolence Care Health Program in puskesmas working area of Bitung City Health Office.
The research method used is qualitatively exploratory descriptive. The main informant is 4 people consisting of midwives 3 people and 1 nurse. The triangulation informant is 2 people head of puskesmas, and 1 person Kasie Kesga Dinas health of Bitung City. Data collection is conducted through in-depth interviews (Indepth Interviews) observations using chek list and documentation studies.
The results of the study point out that there are still some that are not on schedule in its implementation. Communication to the puskesmas has not been conveyed clearly, there are still those who do not use (Standart Operational Prosedure) Resources in the form of energy, funds, still not sufficient needs of the Adolence care health program. SOP implementation of Adolence care health program does not yet exist in writing.
Recommended dinas health of Bitung City to evaluate resources in the adolence care health program and create an SOP that does not yet exist. For puskesmas to carry out monitoring and evaluation provides Rewards for the implementation of adolence care health program that works well and informs the schedule of activities of adolence care health program to puskesmas and government in Bitung City Village, before the program is implemented.
