Pengaruh Program Edukasi Pada Orang Tua Terhadap Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Tentang Asuhan Neonatus Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Minanga
Neonatal emergency is a situation that requires proper evaluation and management of newborns by 2016 captured 25.5 deaths every 1,000 babies born. Over the past few years, AKB Indonesia has gradually declined. Parents need to be proposed health education about neonate care, The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of education on parents to knowledge and attitude about neonatal care in the working area of puskesmas minanga
The type of this research is quasi experiment with design using one-group pre-test-post test design design with 30 samples determined in total sampling. Respondents were treated with neonatal care. Variables that measure knowledge - attitude before and after.
Mean value between. The results showed parents before and late neonatal care α = 0,000 and parental attitudes before and after neonatal care education α = 0,000 <α 0.05. The investigators concluded that neonatal care education was learned on parental knowledge and attitudes.
Advice for health workers to educate about neonatal care on increasing knowledge and attitude of parents to reduce infant mortality.