Pengetahuan Ibu Rumah Tangga Tentang Obat Generik Di Kelurahan Bailang Kecamatan Bunaken Kota Manado
Basic Health Research Results In 2013 in North Sulawesi, people who are knowledgeable about
generic drugs are 13.2%, and 86.8% are wrong. Society means generic drugs are cheap drugs, drugs
with poor quality, government medicine, and drugs intended for the poor. Generic drugs are drugs that
have expired patents, so it can be produced by all pharmaceutical companies without paying royalties.
This study aims to determine the knowledge of housewives about generic drugs on aspects of
knowing, understanding, and application in Bailang Urban District Bunaken Manado City.
The research is descriptive survey research. Samples taken based on the number of household
heads of 6 environments that existed amounted to 95 respondents. The research instrument used
questionnaire sheet. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires to the respondents that have
been determined. The result of the research shows that the knowledge of housewife who have good
knowledge at level knowing, understanding, and application about generic drug only 13,68%, or as
many as 13 from 95 respondents. Respondents who have less knowledge on the level of knowing,
understanding, and application of generic drugs of 86.32%, or as many as 82 of 95 respondents.