Gambaran Mikroskopis Hasil Pemeriksaan Basil Tahan Asam (BTA) Menggunakan Teknik Konvensional Dan Teknik Sentrifugasi Sputum
Pulmonary Tuberculosis (Pulmonary TB) is one of the most contagious diseases affecting the lungs. The disease is caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis with morphology that is shaped basil that is resistant to alcoholic acid if stained with Ziehl-Neelsen staining. Sputum examination of pulmonary TB patients with Centrifugation Technique is examination with a certain rotational speed that is affected by gravity to produce precipitate. The purpose of this research is to know the microscopic picture of acid proof bacillus (BTA) examination by using centrifugation technique and conventional technique. This type of research is descriptive to see the microscopic picture of smear from sputum pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Sample collection that is accidental sampling amounted to 14 samples of sputum which have been checked by conventional technique of laboratory of RSUP. Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou and re-examined at the BPPK Laboratory of North Sulawesi Province using centrifugation technique with 4% NaOH addition. Microscopic examination results from 14 sputum samples that had been examined with conventional technique of BTA obtained 7 sputum samples there is an increase in the number of BTA after spiral centrifugation. This indicates that the results of the examination have increased the degree of positivity found after centrifugation technique. Sputum centrifugation technique can be used as an alternative method of examination of BTA in the laboratory if necessary.