Efektifitas Metode Ceramah Dan Leaflet Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Perilaku Penderita Tuberkulosis Paru Tentang Pencegahan Penularan Penyakit TB Paru Di Puskesmas Tuminting Kota Manado

  • Ketrina Konoralma Jurusan Analis Kesehatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Manado
  • Getruida B.H. Alow Jurusan Analis Kesehatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Manado
Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice, Lungs Tb


This Research aims is to increase knowledge, attitude, and practice of lungs tuberculosis patient about prevention of lungs tuberculosis communicable in Public Health of Tuminting of Manado city. Research type use is analytic method with design One Group Pre and Post Test Design.
The research to be done beginning on April 2017 until to September 2017. Population and sample is lungs tuberculosis patients get medicine in Tuminting Public Health was diagnosed by physician positive suffered from lungs tuberculosis based on examination result BTA sputum + while new patient or reccurence/drop out/failure get treatment. Analysis data use univariate, bivariate use Paired T-test Statistic.
Research result showing that majority respondens age is 15-54 years (73,4%), male (56,3%), eduationis Elementary Schooluntil to Secondary School (82,8%), occupation as labore woker of har d (54,7%), families member number less than 4 persons (66,6%), never get to looking information (62,5%), new case (54,7%). Pres-Test Result; lack of knowledge (57,8%), good attitude (51,6%), and practice or actions of lack (82,8%). Post-Test result: Good knowledge (56,25%), good attitude (68,8%), practice or actions (70,31%). Result of statistic test showing that knowledge p0,000<p0,05, attitude p0,000<p0,05, and practice or actions p0,000<p0,05.
This research result concluded that there is inffluenting is very significantly communicative method and leaflet method in the increased behavior of respondens of Lungs Tb disease prevention of communicable. In the Public Health Tuminting of Manado City. Suggestion on the P2Tb providers so that actively more of health education used method variative morely as like leaflet use to give understanding obvious more and deeping to respondens with families.
