Hubungan Merokok Dengan Kejadian TB Paru Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tatelu Kecamatan Dimembe
Smoking is one of the behaviors or lifestyles that affect human health. Smoking can cause a dependence, then it can also cause abnormal lung function disorders, pneumonia, influenza and acute respiratory infections. Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients North Sulawesi is 1198 patients, collected from districts of the city in the work area of North Sulawesi Provincial Health Office. In North Minahasa regency 464 sufferers with positive acid-resistant bacillus, and from some Puskesmas in North Minahasa District, Puskesmas Tatelu has the highest case of Pulmonary Tubululosis. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship of smoking with the incidence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in the work area of Puskesmas Tatelu Dimembe Subdistrict of North Minahasa Regency. This research is an observational analytic study with cross sectional study design. The population in this research is all patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis which amounted to 53 people, the sample in this study was taken by simple random sampling, with the result of the calculation of a large sample of 47 people. The results of this study prove that there is a significant relationship between cigarette consumption with the incidence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis with p value = 0.007; PR = 1,943, there was significant relationship between duration of cigarette consumption with incidence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis with p value = 0,007; PR = 1,943. Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between smoking and pulmonary tuberculosis occurrence, there is a relationship between duration of smoking with the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in the work area of Puskesmas Tatelu. Suggestion: For Puskesmas Tatelu and Health Office of North Minahasa Regency to give priority to counseling about the danger of nmerokok to tuberculosis patients Basil Resistant Acid Positive is maximized by utilizing the existing media, by distributing posters, leaflets about the dangers of smoking with the incidence of Tuberculosis lung and for the sufferer Pulmonary tuberculosis, to increase knowledge about the dangers of smoking with the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis by following the counseling and communication with health personnel at the Puskesmas is always improved