Pola Asuh Gizi Dengan Kejadian Gizi Kurang Pada Balita Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Belang Kecamatan Belang Kabupaten MinahasaTenggara

  • Jufri Sinekel Nutrition Department of Health Polytechnic of Manado Health Ministry
  • Muksin Pasambuna Nutrition Department of Health Polytechnic of Manado Health Ministry
  • Murni Minggu Nutrition Department of Health Polytechnic of Manado Health Ministry
Keywords: Foster Pattern, Health Practice, Food Delivery, Nutritional Status Toddler


The problem of nutrition in children is a problem that occurs globally in many countries in the world.
Under-fives with less nutrition will experience disruption to the growth and development of children
such as increased mortality of children under five, low intelligence, mental retardation,
underachievement, low productivity resulting in low quality of human resources. The purpose of this
study was to find out the correlation between nutrition nurturing pattern (diet, maternal care pattern
and health practice) on the incidence of underweight children under five in the working area of
Belang District Puskesmas Belang District Minahasa Tenggara.
The type of this research is observational analytic research with Cross-Sectional Study approach.
Statistical analysis using Chi Square test. The result of the research showed that mother care pattern in
under fives, good category 37,1% and not good 62,9%, toddler health practice, good category 42,9%
and bad category 57,1%. The feeding of underfives at 62.9% was categorized as good. The result of
statistical test shows that there is a significant correlation between the pattern of nutritional care with
nutritional status of children under five years old, and there is no correlation between parenting
pattern and health practice with nutritional status of children.
