Konseling Dengan Media Pendidikan Lembar Balik Terhadap Perubahan Pengetahuan Dan Perilaku Ibu Dalam Penyediaan Sarapan Anak Sekolah Dasar Di SD Gmim Sion Malalayang I Kota Manado Dan Sd Katolik Warembungan Kabupaten Minahasa
Some researches show that having no breakfast properly could be influential element toward the insufficient nutrition symptom due to the loss of nutrition (Soedibyo & Gunawan 2009). It is argued that parents play important role in deciding on having breakfast to their children. For the reason, the nutritional education is needed to be taught in order to get the good behavior for parents and children (Sabbag & Surucouglu 2012).It describes the difference on the mother’s knowledge and attitude in serving breakfast to children by using counseling with back-sheet educational medium counseling and without the ones.
The type of research is Quasy Experiment Pre and Post Test Control Group Design. The research is carried out at Elementary School “Sion” Malalayang I, Manado City and Elementary School Catholik Warembungan, District of Minahasa. The sample are those children in Grade 1 who are fit the criteria, each of schools is 30 students and counted accidentally.
The result of Paired T-test shows that there is a difference approximately both in knowledge and attitude, either in pre and post counseling in those who using back-sheet or those who are not using back-sheet (p<0,05). Meanwhile, the Independent T-test shows there is no difference in both group (p>0,05).
The conclusion is there is a difference of knowledge and attitude in both pre and post counseling by using back-sheet educational medium. There is no distinct difference in knowledge and attitude in both groups.