Kajian Makanan Lokal Yondog Ginolagag Sebagai Pola Konsumsi Pangan Di Daerah

  • Muksin Pasambuna Jurusan Gizi Poltekkes Manado
  • Grace K.L. Langi Jurusan Gizi Poltekkes Manado
  • Fred Rumagit Jurusan Gizi Poltekkes Manado
Keywords: food consumption pattern, glycemic index, type 2 DM patients


International Diabetes Federation/IDF (2010) mentioned that in 2005, there was 200 million (5.1%)
people living with diabetes mellitus (DM) globally and it is predicted that in the next 20 years (2025),
the number will as high as 333 million (6.3%). Indonesia was ranked 4th for prevalence of diagnosed
DM (1.5%), while prevalence of people with DM symptoms was 2.1% (Riskesdas 2013). The aim of
this study was to analyze effect of food consumption pattern and glicemic index local food type 2 DM
patients. The methods of the study were: (1) Survey to collect data on modifiable risk factors, namely
food consumption pattern and IG local food among type 2 DM patients.The result of analysis on
population characteristics showed that type 2 DM was suffered more by female than male. This study
also showed that female is more susceptible to type 2 DM in Kotamobagu City, North Sulawesi
Province. Food consumption patterns of type 2 DM patient is a staple+side dish+vegetables 34
people(31.48%), with mostly staple food of cereals, tubers, nuts and processed results); meat, poultry,
fish, eggs, milk, and processed results. Vegetables, fruit, and processed results. Consumption of fruits
was still low, mostly 1 portion, with 42 people (38.9%). Energy and protein adequacy level was
mostly (80.6% and 68.5%) categorized as severe deficit, respectively. Mean glycemic index (GI)
value of local food “yondog ginolagag” mostly consumed by the type 2 DM patients was 53.2. Linier
regression model (analysis of variance) shows that some Type 2 DM risk factors, such as age,
maternal history of diabetes, physical activity (light and weight), the use of drug and BMI
significantly related with blood glucose level on Type 2 DM patients in there all level of 10%.
