Analisis Pelaksanaan Program Kesehatan Gizi Keluarga Di Puskesmas Wilayah Kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kota Manado

  • Ellen Pesak Jurusan Kebidanan Poltekkes Manado
  • Bongakaraeng Bongakaraeng Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan Poltekkes Manado
Keywords: Family Health Nutrition Program, Analysis, Policy, Public Health


Family Nutrition Health Program is an activity that includes supplementary feeding for Toddlers, Early Breastfeeding Initiation and Exclusive Breastfeeding. In Kota Manado there is a decrease in coverage of Family Nutrition Program Implementation for two consecutive years (2016-2017). In the year 2017 Public Health that have not fully implemented Family Health Nutrition program activities, Tongkaina Public Health and Minanga Public Health located in the suburbs and far from Manado City, In general, this study aims to analyze the Implementation of Family Nutrition Health Program at health centers working area City Health Office Manado.
The research method used is qualitative presented descriptively explorative. The main informants are 4 people consisting of 3 people Nutrition and 1 Midwife. Triangulation informants are 2 Head of Health Center, and 1 Head of family heatlh and Nutrition Manado City Health Office. Data collection is done through in-depth interviews (Indepth Interview), observation using check list and documentation study.
The results showed that the implementation of Family Health Nutrition Program in Public Health still exist which not according to schedule in its implementation. Communication to the Public Health has not been clearly communicated, there are still those who do not use SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) in implementing Family Nutrition Health program. Resources in the form of manpower, funds, and facilities are still not sufficient needs of Family Nutrition Health program. SOP of Family Nutrition program implementation is not yet in writing.
It is recommended Manado City Health Office to evaluate the resources in Family Nutrition Health program and make SOP that does not yet exist. For puskesmas to carry out monitoring and evaluation of the protap, and schedule of Family Nutrition Health program, propose Facility and Infrastructure needs, to provide Reword for Family Health Nutrition program implementers who work well and inform the schedule of Family Nutrition Program activities to Public Health and Government in Urban Village Manado, before the program is implemented.
