Perilaku Pemakaian Kondom Pada Pekerja Seks Komersial Dalam Upaya Pencegahan HIV/AIDS Di Kota Manado
One of the problems in preventing sexually transmitted diseases and HIV / AIDS in Indonesia as well as in other countries in the world is due to the lack of protective equipment for commercial sex workers and sex partners. Condoms are one tool that can be used and used by commercial sex workers both men and women that serves to prevent or reduce the mode of transmission of the disease caused by sexual relations of female partners or vice versa. Proven increasingly cases of HIV / AIDS in Manado City from year to year shows that condoms as a tool of prevention of the disease has not been widely used by commercial sex workers, in other words PSK reluctant to wear when having sex with their partner, resulting in an increase in cases of PMS and HIV / AIDS. This study was conducted to determine the description of condom use behavior in commercial sex workers in HIV / AIDS prevention efforts in Manado. The research method used is descriptive qualitative, while the research subjects are commercial sex workers in the area of Manado City. Qualitative data were collected by in-depth interviews of commercial sex workers in accordance with criteria determined by the researcher. Qualitative data that have been collected is analyzed by using Triangulation method. The results of the study are expected to show how commercial sex workers in their knowledge of condoms while other knowledge is good, beliefs and attitudes toward the use of condoms during sexual intercourse. As a suggestion that the city government of Manado allocate funds or budget to support HIV / AIDS prevention activities. And so the employer (pimp) seeks to find a sponsor in the provision of condoms, so there is always inventory when needed.