Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kenaikan Berat Badan pada Akseptor Kontrasepsi Suntik di Puskesmas Ranotana Weru Kecamatan Wanea Kota Manado

  • Sesca D. Solang Jurusan Kebidanan Poltekkes Kemenkes Manado
  • Robin Dompas Jurusan Kebidanan Poltekkes Kemenkes Manado
  • Degi Ardini Bitjara Jurusan Kebidanan Poltekkes Kemenkes Manado
Keywords: Increase Weight, Injectable Contraception


Background : Injectable contraception DMPA is a way to prevent pregnancy by hormonal injections
containing the hormone progesterone and can stimulate the appetite control center in the
hypothalamus, causing an increase in appetite and weight. Data obtained from Puskesmas Ranotana
Weru in 2016 of injectable contraceptive users were 1.222. While weight gain is one of the side
effects that are often complained of by injection contraceptive acceptor. The purpose of this study is
to analyze Age, Diet and Physical Activity that influence weight gain in contraceptive acceptor in
Puskesmas Ranotana Weru
Method : The type of this research is an analytical survey with cross sectional approach done on 92
samples from population number 1.222 by using Slovin formula which determined by purposive
sampling. Data collection was obtained from checklist and weight measurement result by using
measuring instrument that is weight scale. Data analysis is statistical test of Spearman Rank P <0,05
by using SPSS computer program.
Research result : Based on the results of the study showed that respondents aged 20-35 years more
weight gain with a value of P = 0,01 (P <0,05), based on respondents with frequent diet P value = 0,01
(P <0,05) and test results based on mild physical activity P = 0,04 (P <0,05), so it can be said there is
influence of age, diet and physical activity to weight gain on contraception acceptor. Suggestions for
the respondents as input to understand all the side effects of family planning that will be used,
especially injectable contraception, and can manage the diet and often do physical activities such as
exercise so that it can maintain the balance of body weight.
