Efektifitas Kompres Hangat Terhadap Penurunan Intensitas Nyeri Persalinan Pada Ibu Inpartu Kala I Fase Aktif
Pain during labor is a sign to tell that the mother has entered the stage of the labor process, so
that the mother will experience pain during the delivery process and cause fear, which causes tension,
panic and is a source of stress for maternity. Compress is a non-pharmacological intervention to
reduce or reduce the pain of the mother.
This study aims to identify the effect of warm compress on decreasing the intensity of labor
pain during the active phase I in the GMIM Manado Pancaran Kasih General Hospital.
Research Method: This research design is Posttest Only Control Group Design. The sample of this
research is primigravida mother in active phase of 4-9 cm opening as many as 30 respondents
determined by accidental sampling consist of 2 groups ie 15 Sample of treatment group and 15 control
group samples. Given a warm compress to the inpartu's mother when the phase is active at 4-9 cm
opening during contraction, warm towel with degree 38-400C. Scale to measure pain using bourbanis
intensity scale and Face Rating Scale. Data analysis using independent sample t-test.
The result of this research is the influence of warm compress on labor pain in the inpartu mother
of the active phase phase at the General Hospital of Pancaran Kasih GMIM Manado, with sig = 0,000
Conclusion: There is a warm compress effect on the decrease in the intensity of labor pain in the
inparticipant mother of the active phase in the PIMP Love Hospital GMIM Manado
Suggestion: Can be recommended Hot compress can be an intervention to reduce labor pain so for
private practice midwife can be made intervention in service for mother especially in childbirth.