Usia Dan Paritas Berhubungan Dengan Tingkat Kecemasan Ibu Hamil Trimester Iii Menjelang Masa Persalinan Di Puskesmas Ranotana Weru Kota Manado

  • Atik Purwandari Jurusan kebidanan Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Manado
  • Gusti Ayu Tirtawati Jurusan kebidanan Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Manado
  • Eklesia Lakotani Jurusan kebidanan Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Manado
Keywords: Parity, Anxiety Level of Pregnant Woman Trimester III, Age


Anxiety is a part of the emotional response, where anxiety is an unclear and widespread concern, related with feelings of uncertainty and powerlessness. In Indonesia, according to the Ministry of Health Republic Indonesia (DEPKES RI) there are 373,000,000 pregnant women who experience anxiety when faced the birth, there are as many as 107 million people (28.7%). One of the factors causing the anxiety of pregnant women is usually related to condition of welfare of mother and baby to be born. This study aims to determine the relationship between age and parity of pregnant women trimester III before the childbirth at Comunity Health Center (PUSKESMAS) RanotanaWeru in Manado City. The type of this research is analytical survey with cross sectional approach, total sample is 66 samples, and sampling technique is total sampling and data analysis using Spearman's Rho test with significance value a = 0,05. The result of research of age relation with level of anxiety of pregnant woman trimester III ahead to the childbirth got value p Sig - 0.000 which mean having a relation, and the result of research of parity relation with level of anxiety pregnant woman trimester III before the childbirth got value p Sig-0.000 which mean having a relation too. This study uses only three variables. So for health workers, especially midwives to pay attention of the psychology of pregnant women trimester III before the childbirth by providing counseling and pregnancy exercise, to reduce the level of anxiety experienced by the pregnant woman.
