Model Prediksi (IQ, SQ, EQ, Nilai Ujian Masuk, Motivasi Menjadi Perawat) Mahasiswa Jurusan Keperawatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Manado
Model acceptance of new student of Majors Treatment Of Poltekkes Kemenkes Manado, using value of SLTA, Sipenmaru tes, Interview and of Tes Health. Sipensimaru Band select that is [Common/ public] band, Penelusuran Enthusiasm and Achievement (PMDP), Impecunious ancestry (GAKIN), Area Drop behind Frontier and Archipelago ( DTPK). Data met by value Make An Index To Achievement Semester ( Even IPS) Semester of TA 2015 / 2016 Majors student Treatment Of Poltekkes Kemenkes Manado, varying with good value classification and enough. In course of education there is also student which is drop out and pass to mistime See this problem, model acceptance of new student require to innovate as model of prediksi to be achievement result of learning student get good predikat.
Research benefit can be used as one of the measuring instrument model for the acceptance of new student. Research type, descriptive method of analytic observasional, research in August until September 2016 in Majors Treatment Of Poltekkes Kemenkes Manado. Independent Variable, IQ, SQ, EQ, motivation, test value and enthusiasm enter, variable of dependen, achievement learn. Population 97 student mount III, II Prodi D-Iii Majors Treatment Of Poltekkes Kemenkes Manado, total [of] sampling counted 97 responder, with criterion of inklusi criterion and of eksklusi. Primary data from result of tes, data of sekunder, Index Achievement Semester ( even IPS) Semester of TA 2015 / 2016 obtained from Akademik and value enter responder taken by Poltekkes Kemenkes Manado.
Data analysis of univariat that is variable frequency distribution and characteristic to know distribution or proportion of characteristic of subjek research, result of interpretation analysis and presented in the form of diagram and tables. Bivariate analysis that is test of komparative [among/between] variable of dependen independent variable and, with analysis of Chi Square and of Fisher Exact Test as final output of ratio of prevalensi. Analyse multivariat some variable assumed to have an in with student achievement index that is education background, enthusiasm, and motivation become nurse, IQ, EQ, SQ, result of Sipenmaru tes to know which variable is which most having an effect on. Result of solution and research, analyse Chi Square, there are [relation/link] very having a meaning (of) [among/between] value result of test of Sipenmaru with Index Achievement Semester ( p. < 0,01) showing value result of Sipenmaru 3L and 4L, having good semester achievement index. Result of analysis of regresi specific logistics with method of backward regresion logistic [at] fourth step from seven variable assumed to have an effect on to Majors Treatment student semester achievement index where enthusiasm variable represent variable assumed most having an effect on to semester achievement index followed by variable result of Sipensimaru tes and education background.
Conclusion, conventional model differ from model of prediksi, model enthusiasm tes prediksi require to be done by phase acceptance of new student newly Majors Treatment, also variable result of sipenmaru tes and education background. Suggestion, model presiksi acceptance of new student of Majors Treatment so made by model acceptance of new student of Majors Treatment in Poltekkes Kemenkes Manado