Efektifitas Penggunaan Modul Penderita dan Modul Keluarga Terhadap Kepatuhan Diit Penderita Gout Artritis
Introduction, along with the development of civilization and bustle of a person, a healthy lifestyle is not so considered. consuming foods that contain a lot of protein and alcohol can trigger an increased content of uric acid in the blood as the main cause of gout arthritis. The highest prevalence in Indonesia of gout arthritis can be found in the ethnic of Minahasa and Toraja. The prevalence in North Sulawesi reached 10.3%. There are 300 families Tomohon city with gouty arthritis sufferers during 2015.
The role of the family is very important in to successfull of the diet and lowered recurrence in patients with gout arthritis. The family is a small group that is capable of taking decisions in health problems, took care for ill family members, as well as utilize existing health facilities. The aim to analyze the effectiveness of the use of modules on dietary compliance of patients with Gout Artritis in South Tomohon Subdistrict. Methods: this study employed in quasi experiment design, simple random sampling technique. Samples were 85 respondents. Data were collected using pre-post module usage questionnaire, gout arthritis module, observation sheet to assess the results of uric acid level examination. Test statistic paired t-test with significance level 5% (p <0,05).
The results showed that users patients module was effective, the users family module not yet effective and users patients and families modules affected adherence diet gout arthritis sufferers.
Conclusions the usering patient and family modules not yet effective, there is still a lack of participation of the family in the compliance of patients with gout arthritis diet. Suggestions to do research about the effectiveness of the module is equipped with a low-purine diet menu of local materials and arranging the food in patients with gout arthritis.