Analisis Karakteristik Dengan Stunting Anak Remaja Sekolah Menengah Tingkat Atas Kota Bitung
Adolescents with less than normal growth disorders are less than normal, sunting (short) may be due to poor nutritional intake, affecting the condition of adolescents shorter than height at the age of the adolescent group. Short prevalence in adolescents aged 13-15 years nationwide adolescents 35.1%, very short 13.8%, short 21.3%. It shows that sunting in Indonesia is quite high compared to WHO standard 20%. in North Sulawesi is very short 9.4%, short of 18.5%, normal 73.7%. The proportion of nutritional status of TB / U based on high school education is very short 10.2%, short 16,7%, normal 73,1%. The incidence has occurred since the womb, due to the lack of quality nutritional intake of mothers’ impact on growth until adolescence. The objectives of this study were to analyze characteristics with high school adolescents in Bitung. Research methods. This type of research use analytical survey with cross sectional method. Population and sample are high school students at the top of the first class of 135 people in Bitung city. Data analysis using Pearson Correlation statistic test. Research result. The results showed no significant association between sex with sunting α= 0.001, age with sunting α= 0.008, BMI with sunting no significant relation α = 0,096. Conclusion. Characteristics include gender, age, relationship with sunting event but body mass index did not show a meaningful relationship because some teenagers were short and fat.