• Meildy E. Pascoal Department of Nutrition in Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Manado
  • Irza N. Ranti Department of Nutrition in Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Manado
  • Vera T. Harikedua Department of Nutrition in Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Manado
Keywords: Obesity, Addesants Empowerment, Conscious Nutrition


Obesity becomes a health problem worldwide. WHO even states that obesity is already a global epidemic, so obesity has become a health problem that must be addressed. Obesity is a problem should be aware of because prolonged obesity causes various problems. Basically, obesity in children will cause socio-psychological impact. Overweight children tend to refrain themselves from social interactions, are limited in carrying out physical activities in school, and will increasingly immersed in the habit of eating with large portions.
The aim of this research is to get the model of Addesants children’s empowerment through the Formation of Nutrition Awareness Movement in High School in order to implement the strategy of handling Obesity problem in Tomohon City and whether the developed model was effective to overcome obesity problem in adolescent. This research was a quantitative analytic research, with a prospective research design with a sample size of 90 high school students who are obese and 16 teachers. The data were collected from July to September 2017, began with training of teachers on Lifestyle (diet and eating behavior, physical activity, anthropometry, nutrition consultation and recording and reporting). suffer from obesity for 1 month.
Data analysis. The tested data is normally distributed or close to the normal distribution, in order to find out: 1). Knowledge change at the time of training was measured with two tools, i.e. pre-training level (pre test) and final level after getting the training (post test). There is a difference of knowledge on the pre-test for the teachers and post test after being given nutrition education and training, there is significant increase of knowledge after getting the training, which is statistically significant, that p value <0,000 or α <0,05. Likewise, there was weight loss in all intervention groups based on test results i.e. diet, physical activity and nutrition counseling based on paired t test results. There was a significant weight difference before and after four weeks of intervention with p value = 0,000 at α <0.05 with weight gain ranging from 2.5. - 3.5. kg.
It is concluded through this research with the presence of trained teacher personnel to intervene on obesity samples giving impact of weight loss so that the model of adolescent child through the Formation of Nutrition Awareness Movement in High School as the implementation of obesity management strategy in Tomohon City can be developed because it has effectiveness in overcoming obesity problems among adolescents.
