Current Issue

The praise of our gratitude to the Almighty God for his wisdom and grace so that the Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health of Manado can organize the International Seminar in 2017, the material of the National Seminar is made a Proceeding in which there is a collection of abstracts from the research results.
The proceedings take the theme of "Interprofessional Collaboration on Global Challenges of Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs)" and presented material from resource persons and abstract research results presented in oral presentations and posters from academics and practitioners, and educational institutions but also health service agencies in Indonesia and elsewhere. This Proceeding is also a form of scientific publication as a form of accountability of research results that have been done to be a reference material for the development of science in the field of health.
Finally we thank the Director of the Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health Manado Semuel Layuk, SKM, M.Kes and his staf, Budi Luhur International Network for Education (BIN For Edu), Professional Organizations, seminar participants, resources persons, editors, oral and poster presenters, and sponsorships and all work hard so that this seminar can be done well.