Public places are places that have facilities and have the potential for disease transmission. Sanitation of Public Places is an effort to monitor, prevent and control losses resulting from the use of places and business and for the public, especially those closely related to the emergence and transmission of diseases and the possibility of accidents. An example is the Bogor Botanical Gardens. This place is one of the tourist attractions that people are interested in. Therefore, the Bogor Botanical Gardens has the potential to spread disease if the environmental conditions are not maintained. Prevention efforts need to be made to prevent the spread of disease by implementing good environmental sanitation. To determine the environmental health aspects in the Bogor Botanical Gardens, the method used is descriptive qualitative, namely conducting research based on views, strategies and implementation models by conducting observations and interviews with tourist attractions officers. The result of the research is that the Bogor Botanical Gardens have met all the criteria for assessing the sanitation aspect with a total score of 94.4%. Environmental conditions and available sanitation facilities have met the requirements. The whole tourist spot is very clean, comfortable and well-maintained.
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