Tempat Penampungan Air (TPA) dengan Kepadatan Jentik Aedes aegypti di Kota Padang
The environment one of the factors that cause disease transmission after behavior. The presence of Ae aegypti larvae in an area is indicator of a mosquito population. High density has a high risk of mosquito transmission for disease transmission. The city of Padang is an endemic area for dengue fever, the presence of larvae and larvae density is suspected to exist so that disease transmission can occur. The larva-free rate (ABJ) of Andalas Health Center of 92.9% is still far below the target of 95% ABJ. The failure to achieve ABJ according to the target shows the presence of larvae and is a risk factor for the occurrence of DHF. This study has a cross sectional research design with an observational approach in the Andalas Health Center working area in April-July 2021. The population of all houses in Kubu Dalam Parak Karakah Village and a sample of 64. The sample was taken by simple random sampling. Primary data was obtained through interviews using a questionnaire and the data was processed using the Mann-Whitney statistical test. The results of the study stated that there was no difference in the number of water reservoirs (TPA) with larvae density, but the presence of larvae and 3M Plus' efforts had an influence on larva density. The density of larvae can be reduced by monitoring the presence of larvae in the environment.
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