Bullying is aggressive behavior that is likely to hurt someone else, done by a person or group of people over and over again to people who are weaker or more vulnerable to being hurt. Behavior displayed in the form of direct attacks (such as hitting, threatening or intimidating, mocking the name of a particular call, making sexual comments, steal or drstroy abjects) or in the from of indirect attacks such as spreading rumors or influence others to reject or exclude someone. Assertive behavior is very important for early teeneger, because if a teeanager does not have the skills to behave assertively or even can not behave assertively, consciously or not, these early teens would lose privacy rights as individuals and tend not to be people who are free and will always under the control of others. This research is a quantitative research using a quasi exsperiment pre-post test with control group. Sampling technique using purposive sampling. For the intervention and control groups, respectively 40 responden. For the intervention group performed on studen of SMP Negeri II Tomohon and the control group of SMP Negeri III Tomohon. The results showed that there was Assertive Exercise Ability Against Bullying Risk At Junior High Schooler Teens in Tomohon.
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