Reviewer Guidelines


Indonesian Journal of Medical Laboratory Technology Journal (IJMLT) supports peer-review, since it allows research to be evaluated and commented upon by independent experts who work within the same academic field as the authors. It also helps to improve manuscripts and allows the editor to assess a work’s suitability for publication.


Review process

The journal has a double-blinded peer-review process. Manuscripts are initially examined by the editorial staff and are sent by the Editor-in-Chief to two expert independent reviewers, either directly or by a Section Editor.


Reviewer invitations

Reviewer invitations are emailed from the journal’s Editor-in-Chief. The invitation will include the manuscript abstract to help you decide whether to accept the invitation.


Accept or decline invitation

The manuscript will only be available to download once you accept the invitation to review.
Please indicate whether you accept the invitation by clicking on the applicable button and emailing the editor.


Due date

Please complete the review by the specified due date. Contact us if you need to extend the deadline.


Submitting the review

The entire review process is conducted on the journal website. Contact us if you are having trouble accessing the manuscript or entering your comments.



Read our policies relating to reviewers to learn more about:

  1. The criteria for publication
  2. The review panels
  3. The review process
  4. Timing of process
  5. Writing the review


Competing interests

You should not review a manuscript if you have a potential competing interest. Please declare such conflicts within the review process. Read our policy on competing interests.