The Relationship between the diversity of food consumption and the learning concentration of class XI students at SMAN 1 Karawang
Background: Cognition is an important aspect of learning concentration. One aspect of studying concentration is consuming a variety of foods. Low food diversity can have an impact on individual cognition as an important aspect in studying concentration. Objective: This study aims to analyze the relationship between food consumption diversity and the learning concentration of class XI students at SMAN 1 Karawang. Method: Analytical observational research with cross sectional design. The research was conducted at SMAN 1 Karawang with a sample size of 186 people using a simple random sampling technique. Data was collected using the learning concentration, IDDS, and SQ-FFQ forms for 1 week. Data were analyzed using the Gamma correlation test. Results: The research results showed that 63.4% of students had food diversity in the good category and 36.6% in the poor category. Students with good learning concentration were 53.8% and 10.2% were in the bad category. Conclusion: Research shows that there is a relationship between food consumption and the learning concentration of class XI students at SMAN 1 Karawang (p<0.05).
Key words: diverse food consumption, study concentration, teenagers
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